01.06.23 - "ZuriACT: Zurich Accessible CiTy" aims to improve mobility for disabled individuals

Current routing services and digital maps fail to provide practical navigation guidance for disabled people, lacking important information such as sidewalk inclinations, crossings, and ramps. As a result, the routing suggestions are often incomplete or do not reflect real-world conditions accurately.

The University of Zurich and the Stadt Zürich are launching a pilot project called “ZuriACT: Zurich Accessible CiTy.” that aims to improve mobility for disabled individuals in District 1 of Zurich.

The project provides a basis for a systematic collection and enrichment of accessibility features with and for citizens in Zurich. The project will incorporate valuable expertise from the “Digital Society Initiative,” a competence center at the University of Zurich dedicated to co-designing the digital transformation of society and science.

In workshops and focus group discussions, the project team will gather input from citizens to develop specifications for the data collection. This will ensure that the project considers the needs, knowledge, demand, and interests of the participants at all stages.

Using digital web tools, the project will engage in data crowdsourcing. This involves virtual inspections and measurements of accessibility features using street view images. The enriched data will serve as a basis for personalized routing services that consider the needs of disabled people in terms of mobility.

ZuriACT is currently in the participant recruitment phase and is calling for older adults with age-related mobility restrictions, persons with situational mobility restrictions (e.g., parents with pushchairs), and mobility-disabled people. Would you like to share your know-how and help contribute to the inclusivity of the city of Zurich? Register now and help lay the groundwork to make the city of Zurich more accessible for everyone.​ Participation will be compensated with a contribution toward expenses.
Further information about the project: https://lnkd.in/gaq-7Eau
Registration link: https://lnkd.in/gT68QScR

#digitaltransformation #citizenscience #inclusivity #mobility #disabled

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