03.03.23 - Combine BIM with augmented reality to reduce differences between plans and realization

Combining the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with augmented reality allows for the correction of differences between the plans and the realization on the field.
In a pilot projectarmasuisse Immobilien used the BIM method for the general planning of the water drainage at the army's logistics base warehouse in Mellingen.
On the construction site, the planned positions of the drainage elements could be compared by means of augmented reality with the actually realized pipes (see picture below). The comparison showed a shift of a few centimeters: during the implementation, the pipe was adjusted due to the geometry of the foundation slab of the warehouse. The correct data will now be available as a basis for the operation and maintenance of the structure in the geographic information system (GIS) of armasuisse Immobilier.
A good example showing the advantages of using digital plans. Armasuisse Immobilier is currently acquiring BIM expertise through numerous pilot projects. By 2025, all new construction projects should be initiated using the BIM method.
A Geo Innovation News from Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL)

#bimmodeling #construction #lifecyclemanagement #augmentedreality



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