03.11.23 - CEVEN's BioRA: New Developments in Vegetation Health Monitoring

Would you like to monitor the vegetation health on the land you are responsible for? 

Vegetation is vulnerable to the expansion of human activity and the consequences of climate change. Recently, the Swiss company CEVEN launched a Biodiversity Risk Assessment (BioRA) tool to assess and monitor biodiversity loss in an area of interest. 

The technology is based on public remote sensing sources, data analysis and machine learning algorithms to assess the risk of biodiversity loss. To do so, four widely used vegetation parameters (NDVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index, Moisture Stress Index and Normalised burn ratio) are analysed over the last 5 years together with local climatic data. Comprehensive maps with risk classes are produced for the areas provided. These can be used to aid decision-making prior to a new project and to monitor land in order to mitigate biodiversity loss and take protection/regenerative measures if necessary. For example, the classification can be used to highlight the stress on vegetation due to drought episodes.

BioRA tool is in the early stages of development but an online platform is already available for free to be used for its basic level.
At STDL, we follow the various research projects and start-ups in this field. As technology and the abundance of data evolve very quickly, it's essential to keep up to date and see how new advances can help us. This is particularly useful for our forest health monitoring project. With this in mind, we also share our results and code, and make them freely available.
This Linkedin page is dedicated to spreading knowledge, so don't hesitate to contact us if you have interesting projects to share with the community

#biodiversity #monitoring #remotesensing

Image credit CEVEN

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