10.02.23 - A tool to rapidly identify the state of a bridge and its damages such as cracks

Rapidly identifying the state of a bridge and damages such as cracks in it so that specialists can take the appropriate measures. This is one of the value propositions of the start-up SwissInspect, a spin-off from EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne).

#digitaltwins of our infrastructures are increasingly available thanks to reduced acquisition costs. These new datasets will help improve maintenance and control processes.

Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision methods, SwissInspect analyses the structure of a bridge and provides decision support. armasuisse Immobilien has already tested this innovative approach on one of their infrastructure.

In the future, infrastructure managers will have access to a platform containing a digital twin of their assets under management, updated on a regular basis and offering analyses and predictions on the condition of these objects. SwissInspect is one of the companies developing this potential.

A Geo Innovation News from Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL)





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