12.10.23 - Energy Dashboard Switzerland: Improving Energy Management with Predictive Analytics

Energy management has featured prominently in discussions over the past 12 months. Supply is of course a key issue, but the importance of monitoring and anticipation should not be underestimated.

With this in mind, in May 2023 the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE and the Swiss Data Science Center improved the Energy Dashboard Switzerland.

The dashboard now includes forecasts one month into the future thanks to a generalized additive model or GAM. This integrates data from Swissgrid and Meteoswiss to predict consumption. SDSC has also developed a bottom-up methodology for estimating energy savings by households, services and industry.

This case study clearly shows how data processing methods can help decision-making and information sharing in the current crises.

The dasboard is available here.

#energy #monitoring #GAM

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