13.09.2023 - Damage Augmented Digital Twins (DADT): The Next Gen of Building Inspection

Enhancing the current practice of Visual Building Inspection, which is time-consuming, subjective and costly.
EESD Lab - EPFL (Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Laboratory) has built a novel framework to generate Damage Augmented Digital Twins (DADT) of buildings: The framework incorporates multiple-view images to (1) create a level of detail model 3 (LOD3), (2) segment damage information, and (3) characterize damage.
A step towards an automated infrastructure damage assessment.

The scientific article can be found here: https://lnkd.in/eMbD4PsM

A first use case could be the automatic creation of LOD3 model of a building. SwissInspectUzufly, 2 spin-offs of EPFL have launched a project with Federal Office of Topography swisstopo to explore the scalability potential, with 2 pilot regions, Nyon and Vevey. DroneGVA Sàrl has just acquired the data. The outcome will be shared when it will be available.
Applying the latest ML technics to get cost-effective and detailed digital models of the cities is an exciting journey, requiring collective efforts to make it a reality.

#digitaltwin #3Dmodel #buildinginspection

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