18.05.23 - realistic representation of the world in 3D with Google Maps Platform’s API

Google has partnered with Cesium to render its new photorealistic 3D Tiles using the The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)'s 3D Tiles standard created by Cesium.

This means that data is available for over 2,500 cities and 49 countries to an open ecosystem of 3D Tiles-enabled runtimes, including CesiumJS, Unreal, Unity, and NVIDIA Omniverse.

The Photorealistic 3D Tiles are designed to provide a more realistic representation of the world in 3D with Google Maps Platform’s API. 
Cesium has launched an extension for NVIDIA Omniverse to connect advanced GPU and AI-accelerated graphics and simulations with real-world 3D geospatial data to serve the industrial metaverse. Cesium for Unreal combines the 3D geospatial capability of Cesium with the high-fidelity rendering power of Unreal Engine, unlocking the 3D geospatial ecosystem for game engines.

This is a groundbreaking partnership that revolutionizes visualization with photorealistic 3D Tiles. The Open Geospatial Consortium’s 3D Tiles standard created by Cesium is the first open 3D format to support semantic 3D classification and attribution at a pixel texture level.

The Photorealistic 3D Tiles will enable developers to create more realistic and immersive applications that can be used in a wide range of industries such as gaming, architecture, urban planning, and more.

#3dtiltes #unity #unrealengine  #omniverse  #photorealistic  #digitaltwins  #3drendering  #geospatial

Image : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, visualized with Photorealistic 3D Tiles in CesiumJS. Credit : Cesium

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