22.03.23 - The Atlas of the Anthropocene, an IGN tool for continuous mapping of natural events

The phenomena related to global warming will pose many challenges for the years to come. The IGN - French Mapping Agency (Institut Géographique National) is committed to produce continuous assistance for public policies. Its tools? An Atlas of maps of the Anthropocene.

This atlas is a set of thematic maps on a number of major ecological issues: biodiversity and its refuges under the microscope, extreme natural events, coastal erosion, a changing forest, soil artificialization .

These maps must represent the rapid changes in the territory and the consequences on the environment. They will provide actors with tools that can be mobilized to speak a common language and meet the environmental challenges.
Climate issues require the ability to act through regular monitoring. This is why the Institute has chosen to invest resources in the development of methods using artificial intelligence to automate certain tasks and accelerate the processing of images.

The usual mapping methods are no longer fast enough to generate continuous information. Artificial intelligence, used in a reasoned manner and under the supervision of trained experts, now seems to be the preferred solution for map production. Used wisely, machine learning can play a major role in the development of responses to the ecological transition.

A technological shift towards continuous observation.



#cartography #anthropocene #geodata #climatechange #artificialintelligence

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