30.11.23 - sCHoolmaps.ch: A Hub for Learning and Playing with Maps and Geodata

For those still at school or those simply curious about geodata and maps, the sCHoolmaps.ch platform (DEFR) offers didactic and playing content for exploring and learning about the use of geodata via the map.geo.admin.ch map viewer.

The platform went live in 2015 and now offers a variety of activities. The site's design was updated this week for an even more pleasant experience! 

For teachers, the teaching sequences and digital supplements to the teaching aids cover the different school levels. For example, 9-10 year-olds will discover the evolution of their village, while 15-16 year-olds will invent landscape changes. In addition, virtual treasure hunts are organized, with prizes for the winning class. The current treasure hunt runs until March 15, 2024! 

The courses are organized in the form of course material or course ideas. Among other things, you can learn where suitable areas are for the construction of wind power plants and why not all areas are suitable, even if there is enough wind (link).

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