31.10.23 - Multi-Specialist Approach: A New Model for Water Pollution Analysis

Water mixes the unexpected : agricultural run-off and industrial waste. Solving the puzzle of water pollution requires unique collaboration. Complex problems often require the expertise of several specialists from completely different fields.
When the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched an initiative to reduce non-compliance rates with the Clean Water Act, it sought experts who could help it optimise its limited resources for this cause.
Bringing together the knowledge of experts in data science, artificial intelligence, geophysics and regulatory policy, the multidisciplinary team developed a model that the EPA could use with its state and federal partners to better understand baseline pollution levels and identify likely suspects for pollutant spikes along waterways.
To find out more, don't hesitate to read the article and watch the video in the "https://lnkd.in/dYCWche2
from Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
It's a great example of the importance of working across disciplines and drawing on each other's specific knowledge.
This is exactly what Swiss Territorial Data Lab (STDL) is trying to do by working hand in hand with domain experts on projects.

#water #pollution #waterquality #multidisciplinary

Image credit @Stanford Woods Institute for the environment

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